"...and he spent some twenty years with this feeling of being lost inside"

The Radio dept. - Never follow suit (from 'Clinging to a scheme')
The Radio dept. - The new improved hypocrisy
The Radio dept. - Live at KEXP
The Radio dept. - The new improved hypocrisy
The Radio dept. - Live at KEXP
"We got tired of the songs too quickly I guess, and kept writing and recording new ones. I think in all of this we came up with 120 to 130 unfinished songs. Then we decided that we had to finish this, to put an end to it all. We often finish the 10 to 15 songs we're most satisfied with... . A lot of the songs we left off the album because we worked on them for too long. We kept polishing them and we didn't want the album to sound like that. We wanted it to sound very DIY and indie in a way. That's the kind of music we listen to and like. You can spend days and weeks on one track and destroy it in the end... ."
απόσπασμα της συνέντευξης του Johan Duncanson στο Spinner
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