"One was a lie"

"Somewhere in the two thousand-mile-journey between the capital of Saskatchewan and downtown Montreal exists a new body of music. It's where the two musical minds of longtime friends (and The Besnard Lakes co-founders) Jace Lasek and Michael Gardiner met to explore and draw the new borders that make up the 45 atmospheric minutes of their debut album, 'The Soft Province'."

"Drawing on Mike and Jace's love of the pop song and long repetitive drones, the album spans the distance between the concise pop song structure of Francoise Hardy and the psychedelic organ drones of Broadcast."

The Soft Province - One was a lie

Τα πρώτα δείγματα ενισχύουν την πεποίθησή μας ότι θα συνιστά ακόμα μία αριστουργηματική κυκλοφορία (μετά το 'The Besnard Lakes are the roaring night') στην οποία θα συμμετέχει ο Jace Lasek.