"And what of all this life I waste in waiting?"

Photo by Marion Agé

FareWell Poetry: "We would like to make a double album, because we have the material (at least an hour and a half of music and two films) and because we would like to be able to take the time to produce a more intricate offering....
The same constitutive elements will be found in the next album – music, film, and poetry – but no doubt interweaving in a different way, perhaps more varied in terms of colors, atmospheres, durations, instruments. There is still a great deal of work and experimenting to be done, even if the majority of the new pieces are in place and certain of them are being tested regularly on stage. We are proceeding a step at a time in terms of the practicalities involved for us in realizing an album – we usually record the basis of our pieces in quasi-live conditions, but we like to stand back then afterwards to choose the takes, set the arrangements, and mix. The studio is a crucial and delicate phase for us, it’s not always easy to find the ideal balance between the rigor of the recording process and the spontaneous and fragile side of the alchemy that we are seeking among us and among the various elements that make up our pieces… The magic, when it’s there, is never at our beck and call. We will no doubt record in several sessions starting in late spring or early summer; there will be others invited in, friends, and we hope to be surprised and pleased by the result. One must still have chaos within oneself to give birth to a dancing star…"

"The more I hug the boredom bridge, the further I fall behind..."