"I will show you fear in a handful of dust"
Κλειστοφοβικες, υποβλητικές και ατμοσφαιρικές ηχητικές αναμορφώσεις τραγουδιών των Rudimentary Peni με τους στίχους να είναι το μόνο στοιχείο που παραμπέμπει στα πρωτότυπα.

Chelsea Wolfe: "...I used their lyrics without having listened to some of the songs. I just did my own interpretations of them rather than covering their actual music. I did a one off recording of that and then we actually went into a studio in London a few days ago and did a proper recording that will be released on vinyl this year, so that’s pretty exciting."
Chelsea Wolfe - A tribute to Rudimentary Peni
01. A handful of dust
02. Echo
03. Black on gold + Sickening for something
04. Dissolution + Rehearsal for mortality
05. Prayer for the unborn