"Feral love"

Η Chelsea Wolfe εξακολουθεί να μας αναστατώνει με το κλειστοφοβικά διαπεραστικό, αλλά μαγευτικά εκφραστικό ερμηνευτικό της άγγιγμα, σε κάθε ακρόαση του 'The grime and the glow' και του 'Αποκάλυψις' και μέσα από το "Feral love", το αποκαλυπτικά εντυπωσιακό στιγμιότυπο του τρίτου δίσκου της, όπως παρουσιάστηκε ζωντανά και ραδιοφωνικά την περασμένη βδομάδα, μας προετοιμάζει για το ζοφερό σκηνικό ήχων που θα επακολουθήσει.
Chelsea Wolfe: ""Feral Love", was inspired by a passage from one of my favorite books Sons and Lovers [by D.H. Lawrence], where the characters are talking about what it would be like for a wild man of the woods to suddenly find himself in the open space, or to be someone who's used to the open space and then to be suddenly surrounded by trees. It's about animal instincts and exploring the idea of love as an animal."
"I have some already written and we're working with a really rad producer to help bring the songs to a new level. That's something different for me. I had originally had a title chosen for the third album, but decided to scratch it and keep it untitled for now because the songs started to outgrow it."
"I have some already written and we're working with a really rad producer to help bring the songs to a new level. That's something different for me. I had originally had a title chosen for the third album, but decided to scratch it and keep it untitled for now because the songs started to outgrow it."