"Are you still with me?"

"DeVotchKa is set to release their new album '100 lovers' via Anti- Records on February 15th. For this, their fifth record, the band again headed to the vastness of the Arizona desert with producer Craig Schumacher. The resulting work is as epic as the landscape in which it was recorded, the 12 new songs offering an emotionally charged sonic expansiveness while retaining all the heartfelt romance and celebratory energy for which the group is known."

"...you can always start something new"

"...The music is changing, a new room is waiting, with new hidden curves, new doors leading to labyrinths, let’s see if I’ll meet the Minotaur this time. Let’s see if I meet the White Whale. That’s what I am after.

I recorded three new songs and made the videos. I’ll post them very soon…
Yesterday while rehearsing I came out with a little song, I used a portable digital recorder. I called the song 'Everything from your hands'. Hope you enjoy it."

"You can't believe the way the wind's talking to the sea..."

"...I heard that someone said it before. I don't care, I can't walk away.
I can't walk away in Chinatown.

The wind and the rain to your detriment you try to explain a government swallowed up in the squall. I can't walk away at all in Chinatown.

You can't believe though I'm sure somebody said it before. I know you and I know the score. I can't walk away. You can't walk away.

"Waken into another formation"

Παρασκευή βράδυ, λίγο πριν τις 22:00 στον "Πύργο" με θέα τα τείχη και την οχύρωση της ιστορικής Θεσσαλονίκης. Συναισθήματα χαράς, ευφορίας και μια έκδηλη ανυπομονησία να κατακλύζει τους παρευρισκομένους. Εξάλλου, σε κάθε εμφάνιση των 2L8 προσδοκάς ότι θα βρεθείς αντιμέτωπος με ένα εντυπωσιακό θέαμα από το οποίο δε θα απουσιάζουν οι συγκινήσεις. Αυτή τη φορά, στην αυτοσχέδια σκηνή ήταν ο Ηρακλής Ιωσηφίδης με το ηλεκτρικό κοντραμπάσο του και ο Κώστας Βοζίκης με την ακουστική κιθάρα του, την έντονα γλαφυρή, θεατρική ερμηνεία και τις εμπνευσμένες αφηγήσεις του, όπως αποτυπώνονται θαυμάσια στους στίχους του. Εκτός από επιλεγμένα αποσπάσματα της δισκογραφίας τους με πιο λιττές ενορχηστρώσεις (όπως θα περίμενε κανείς), αλλά και διάθεση για αυτοσχεδιασμό, παρουσιάστηκαν δείγματα της επερχόμενης κυκλοφορίας τους, κατά τη διάρκεια των οποίων οι ζωντανά ηχογραφημένες λούπες έκαναν την εμφάνισή τους. Δυστυχώς, οι ήχοι και οι μελωδίες συναντούσαν συχνά στο διάβα τους ευωδιές αλκόολης και συνομιλίες (που διακόπτονταν μόνο από τα χειροκροτήματα). Σε κάθε περίπτωση, είναι αδύνατον να αντιληφθείς που μπορεί να τους οδηγήσει η δημιουργικότητά τους. Μοιάζει με κομμάτια ενός αντικειμένου που πρέπει να συναρμολογήσεις, με την τελική εικόνα να έχει πλήρως χαθεί και τους δυνατούς συνδυασμούς να είναι απεριόριστοι. Σα να βαδίζεις με τα μάτια δεμένα και να προσπαθείς αποτυχημένα να μαντέψεις και να διαισθανθείς με ποιο τρόπο (και όχι για το εάν) θα καταφέρει το 'New battles, without honor and humanity' (όπως είναι ο προσωρινός τίτλος του) να τρυπώσει και αυτό, με τη σειρά του στις αναμνήσεις σου. Ο θόρυβος των βημάτων των 2L8 ακούγεται διαφορετικός από εκείνο των 'Armed angels, frustrated youth, the art of self-deceit and music industry' και 'He & She: Angry enough to keep loving in the dark ages'', αλλά εξίσου συναρπαστικός, επομένως προσμένουμε ένα ακόμα κομψοτέχνημα!

s e t l i s t (ελλιπές)
Monotone ruins
It's strange, but what isn't strange?
You walk on empty streets now, holding your heart in your hands
A cure for underwater dancing
Wings break heat image
Excuse me, but I just have to explode
A moment!!!
Close your eyes when orbiting a new planet

YΓ. Η συναυλία τους μαζί με τους υποσχόμενους (και ήδη αγαπημένους, αν και χωρίς καμία κυκλοφορία) Musica Ficta στο Six D.O.G.S. την Πέμπτη, 2 Δεκεμβρίου συνιστά γεγονός που πρέπει κάθε λάτρης της μουσικής να παρακολουθήσει.

Music Alliance Pact - November 2010

Ένας ακόμα παγκόσμιος μουσικός οδηγός (με επιλογές από bloggers που κατοικούν σε 34 διαφορετικές χώρες) με ηχητικά δείγματα και σύντομες πληροφορίες από κυκλοφορίες που αξίζουν της προσοχής μας (σε αρκετές περιπτώσεις ακόμα και το θαυμασμό μας). Αποκτήστε τον στο σύνολό του πατώντας εδώ ή μεμονωμένα στον τίτλο του κάθε τραγουδιού. Καλή ακρόαση!

Σημείωση: Όσα ξεχώρισα διαθέτουν πράσινο χρώμα, χωρίς αυτό να συνεπάγεται ότι τα υπόλοιπα δεν παρουσιάζουν ενδιαφέρον.

GREECE: Mouxlaloulouda
Film (featuring Hildur Kristín) - Harmur Fuglsins
Harmur Fuglsins, an atmospheric song with cinematic aesthetics that effortlessly creates images of tender, hearth-side warmth, is the bewitching outcome of a collaboration infused by the strikingly contrasting geographical and artistic backgrounds of Film and Rökkurró's Hildur Kristín Stefánsdóttir. Curling around an eloquently subtle arrangement armed with guitars, delicate noises, pounding drums, sombre sonic textures, melodic synth lines and electronic facets and combined with the marvelous, ethereal vocal touches of Hildur brings out its tremendous beauty with every listen.

ARGENTINA: Zonaindie
Alvy, Nacho & Rubin - El Galán De La Paternal (The Magnetic Fields cover)
Alvy, Nacho y Rubin Interpretan a Los Campos Magnéticos is the result of a singular process of research, translation and reimagining of Stephin Merritt's songs. The project was crafted by three talented musicians from Buenos Aires and Mr Merritt himself revised and approved the adaptation of his songs. El Galán De La Paternal (The Luckiest Guy On The Lower East Side) is the first single and you can download it here as a MAP exclusive. The whole album is available on iTunes.

AUSTRALIA: Who The Bloody Hell Are They?
Ghoul - 3Mark
I'm excited that over the next six months we'll be getting both a mini-album (in January) and a full-length release from Sydney experimental/glitch/pop crew Ghoul. It's been a long wait, but Ghoul have grown a lot since self-releasing their debut mini-LP A Mouthful Of Gold in 2008. Both the production and the songwriting have taken epic leaps toward a more nuanced, crisp sound that relies less on jazz streaks and tangential arrangements to maintain attention and more on melody and detail. 3Mark is a sign of great things to come.

BRAZIL: Meio Desligado
Labirinto - Anatema
Epic, dark post-rock is at the core of Sao Paulo-based band Labirinto, whose first full-length album is already one of the best Brazilian releases of 2010 and is also remarkable due to its gorgeous artwork. Anatema is the main song on the album, which is available from their Bandcamp.

CANADA: I(Heart)Music
Radio Radio - Dekshoo
On the surface, Radio Radio may seem like a joke: a couple of hipsters from New Brunswick rapping in extremely slangy French about stuff like Kenny G, luggage and, on this song, penny loafers. Dig just a little deeper, though, and you'll find the band members are actually expert satirists, skewering just about every target they can find (except for Kenny G; their love for him seems serious). With brilliant lyrics and fun music, it's no wonder the band was included in this year's Polaris Music Prize shortlist.

CHILE: Super 45
La Reina Morsa - Fiesta Pequeña
Originally from southern Chile, La Reina Morsa's members took up permanent residency in Santiago with their own music projects. But their common tastes brought them together to release their debut album Dónde Están Las Jugueterías? ("Where Are The Toy Stores?"), the brand new sensation for the current season. Fiesta Pequeña ("Tiny Party") is the first single, a great presentation card for this band which creates a pop sound that features acoustic guitar, bizarre animal visions and a sweet, child-like naivety. We strongly recommend you download the full album for free, directly from the Sello Cazador website.

CHINA: Wooozy
JJay - Nostalgic Melody
JJay's ear-melting vocals coasting smoothly over dreamy soundscapes peppered with catchy, thudding beats and soaring synths have earned him a serious fanbase. JJay first moved from Beijing to Shanghai to study while also forming several post-punk bands. After earning a master's degree in science in the US, he returned to Shanghai and met B6 with whom he shared a passion for Depeche Mode, Kraftwerk and Royksopp. Once the voice of IGO with B6, possibly the first synthpop band in China, JJay is now pursuing solo work after the band split in 2009.

COLOMBIA: Colombia Urbana
El Tigre - Quien Como Yo
Sebastian aka El Tigre is a rapper from Medellin. His new crew, Los Extraditables, are actually giving the world a new theory: Drugs aren't the only thing that can be exported from Colombia - good music can be too. Quien Como Yo is a classic dancehall track with a nightclub vibe.

DENMARK: All Scandinavian
The Kites - Summer Missus
Exactly one year ago I featured quartet The Kites and their very infectious pop-rock in the Music Alliance Pact. A month later they released the great four-track EP, The Kites Are On, and recently they followed up with this bittersweet gem, co-produced by neo-disco prodigy Vinnie Who aka Niels Bagge. Both the EP and Summer Missus are available for free at their website - so go download it.

ENGLAND: The Guardian Music Blog
Trophy Wife - Microlite (acoustic)
Exclusive acoustic version of the Oxford indie-dance trio's debut single, out on Moshi Moshi Records now. "Four minutes of limpid loveliness that suggests – with its gently insistent electronic pulse, swathes of shimmering synths and aching perkiness – Vampire Weekend playing New Order", says the Guardian's new band of the day writer Paul Lester. "It's our old friend, sad disco, something to dance to even as you ponder the vapidity and meaninglessness of frivolous self-expression."

70vierailijaa - Tärkeintä On (Puutarhanhoito)
With a gentle touch of female voices blending together and an elegant progressive instrumentation, 70vierailijaa create charming dreamy pop to melt the cold winter nights. Their recently released self-titled debut album is full of traditional Finnish themes and melodies, but with the refreshing twist of soft indie music, in an addictive mix of old and new and of local and global sounds.

GERMANY: Blogpartei
A Forest - A Stereotype
A Forest definitely run the unfair risk of being overlooked. Their musical mixture of souly electronica does not want to paint the town red. Instead, they create cautious, almost fragile songs on their debut album, Leaves Leaves Fall Fall Rain Fall, that get under your skin. The featured single, A Stereotype, is a perfect example for this sound which is founded on jazzy rhythms and soulful voices, especially from Fabian Schuetze. A Forest will release a new, as-yet untitled EP in March.

ICELAND: I Love Icelandic Music
Sykur - Rocketship
First we had Sykurmolarnir, known worldwide as The Sugarcubes. Now an Icelandic electronic trio of youngsters from Reykjavik goes under the alias Sykur ("Sugar"). Their shows are fun-filled, sexy and energetic and they collaborate with local rappers and pop and rock singers. Rocketship, which has guest vocals from Útidúr singer Rakel Mjöll, is taken from Sykur's debut album Frábært Eða Frábært, which was released a year ago on the Icelandic Record Records label.

INDIA: Indiecision
Sulk Station - Contentment
Bangalore downtempo act Sulk Station define themselves as "mellowdramatic pop", a term that captures the essence of their ambient soundscapes particularly well. The young duo's minimal yet stark productions are powered by vocalist Tanvi Rao's lazy delivery. Contentment grows from a Zero 7-esque drone to a swirling dance track which wouldn't be out of place at an EDM club downtown.

INDONESIA: Deathrockstar
Bangkutaman - Ode Buat Kota
Ode Buat Kota, which means "an ode to the city", is taken from Bangkutaman's latest concept album about hard life in Jakarta - the pollution, traffic, crime, house loans, etc. Their music is influenced by The Stone Roses, The Byrds and The Mamas & The Papas. They are one of the most well-respected bands in Indonesia.

IRELAND: Nialler9
Kasette - You Were More
Kasette consist of a trio of school friends who formed a music partnership while on a J-1 visa in Vancouver. They have just released their debut EP entitled A Mixed Tape which showcases the girls' brand of chamber folk-pop. Simple and soft, Kasette's music is in its infancy but it's already lilting and lovely.

ISRAEL: Metal Israel
Desert (featuring Joakim Broden) - Lament For Soldier's Glory: Order 227
Israel is comprised of many Russian-born people, some Jewish, some not. Lament For Soldier's Glory: Order 227 by Desert taps into Russian history, describing Stalin's cruel command that any soldier captured by the enemy was considered a traitor. Its haunting melodies and driving rhythms sonically depict pain and determination. And as all of Desert served (or are still serving) in the Israeli army, they know what it means to fight for survival. Vocalist Joakim Broden of Sweden's Sabaton (Nuclear Blast Records) lends his talents to the tale of war and blood.

ITALY: Polaroid
Sybiann - Monsoon Breath
You don't really want to know where this is going to end up. Kraut, post-rock, noise, Liars, Deerhunter... it's a scary, puzzling orgy of sounds. The amazing debut album of this young band from the town of Ravenna will fire up the imagination of anyone who has the guts to listen to it.

MEXICO: Red Bull PanameriKa
Movus - Al Filo Del Origen
Movus is a five-piece band from Guadalajara. Theirs is a very cinematic post-rock sound, filled with peaks and valleys of instrumental narratives. For their second album Maxa FireKeeper (produced by Jimmy LaValle from San Diego's The Album Leaf), they were inspired by the Huichol Indians' myths: Maxa is a deer that guards the mystical fire of the universe. Al Filo Del Origen (translated as "at the rim of the origin") is as epic as Explosions In The Sky and as evocative as a new soundtrack to the Dr Who sci-fi series.

NETHERLANDS: Unfold Amsterdam
Daily Bread - About Birds And Bees
This raw trio from the north of the Netherlands label themselves as "sexy garage dance". They're certainly sexy, glamming it up at times, banging out taut, fast, noisy grooves reminiscent of Franz Ferdinand or !!! - albeit with a female vocal on top. Particularly live, they're all about big beats, sweat and dancing. However, About Birds And Bees tunes into a summery Sixties garage-pop vibe instead. And they've delightfully avoided any tweeness precedent by writing a deliciously poppy, organ-driven ode to the one-night stand.

NEW ZEALAND: Counting The Beat
Disasteradio - No Pulse
Disasteradio is Luke Rowell's one-man synthpop outfit. No Pulse comes from his second album Charisma. With this album, Disasteradio has shifted the balance a little more on to songs rather than sounds compared to past releases. The end result is an album with vocodered vocals and a crunchy new wave feel - part Devo, part Gary Numan and part computer game. Charisma is available on Bandcamp and you can watch the video for No Pulse on YouTube.

NORWAY: Eardrums
Young Dreams - Young Dreams
Young Dreams is a Bergen-based collective who make beautiful pop with equal doses of tropical flavours and Phil Spector/Brian Wilson influences. The project started in 2009 and now has as many as 10 members, including profiled musicians such as Matias Tellez and Chris Holm. Young Dreams will release two 7" singles in early 2011 and their debut album is in the making. They will also perform at the upcoming by:Larm festival.

The Satellite - El Sol
The Satellite began their activities as a band in 2006 with a slight tendency towards post-rock, fusion and experimentation, using any sound that was available. In 2008, with a consolidated style, they released their second EP, 124, which contains El Sol. The band is currently composing more musical pieces and looking forward to making a debut album which they hope will come out very soon.

PORTUGAL: Posso Ouvir Um Disco?
Emmy Curl - Seafire And Its Waltz
Emmy Curl lives in a northeast Portuguese town and has studied classic guitar in a music conservatory. However, her songwriting and singing is closer to a mix of ethereal and alternative folk than to anything classical. Imagine a blend of Lisa Germano and Suzanne Vega. She is one of a number of promising unsigned Portuguese artists and is due to have her first European tour.

ROMANIA: Babylon Noise
Thy Veils - The KnifeChild
Daniel Dorobantu comes from Timisoara and is the mastermind behind this beautiful experimental/ambient project. A bit dark and somehow persistent, Thy Veils' music is that soundtrack you always wanted for your weird dreams. And if you have trouble dreaming, visit the official site, where a slideshow of the band's videos (The KnifeChild included) will help with the visuals.

Bwani Junction - Two Bridges
You should know fairly instantly whether Edinburgh's Bwani Junction are the band you've been waiting for when I tell you that they sound like a cross between The Libertines and Vampire Weekend. They are unsigned but, given the buzz that surrounds them, probably won't be for much longer. Two Bridges is already a singalong anthem among their rapidly increasing fanbase.

SINGAPORE: I'm Waking Up To...
Nicholas Chim - Midnight
Nicholas Chim is a singer-songwriter who walks the thin line between being absolutely self-indulgent and giving every iota of emotion that he conveys through his music. What results is some of the most earnest songs that shine in their simplicity; yet, the complexity of his arrangements and lyrics come forth distilled and pure. Nicholas is in the middle of recording his second album, Forgiefan, but has kindly shared a contemplative, folksy offering from it entitled Midnight. He hopes you enjoy the music as much as he did writing it.

SOUTH AFRICA: Musical Mover & Shaker!
Merseystate - Jersey Girl
With a rock sound that has been compared to other stellar acts but is still uniquely their own comes Merseystate. They are the culmination of alternative rock at its best. Jersey Girl officially launched them on to the music scene last year. It's a deftly-crafted song that tugs at you then whirls into melodic pop euphoria.

Autumn Vacation - Dreamy Even In Deception (Fooled But Dreamy)
Autumn Vacation showcases the songwriting skills of Bobby Chung - the mastermind behind former MAP artist Julia Hart - and the warm, addictive voice of Gyepy, who could previously be heard as the female vocalist of Broccoli, You Too? The duo recently put out a self-titled album full of what they hope to be perceived as thought-provoking easy listening, providing the same sense of peacefulness as strolling in a park. As lovely as anything else from the band, Dreamy Even In Deception is a light and sweet pop tune that is bound to make you crave more.

SPAIN: Musikorner
6pm - Letters Play
Formed in mystical Santiago de Compostela in 2003, 6pm are an electronic/indie duo that has found inspiration in ambient/shoegaze bands such as Sigur Rós, Múm, Styrofoam or even The Postal Service. Letters Play, taken from their rather uknown last EP called Tape Worms, is certainly a breath of air in the Spanish ocean of indie music, where we rarely find inspiring ambient electronic tracks. 6pm are working on their sophomore album, set to be released sometime next year.

SWEDEN: Swedesplease
Johan Hillblom - Sneak Preview
Sneak Preview by Johan Hillblom may be underproduced but that doesn't mean it's amateurish. The trumpet solos are great, the odd beats cool, and Johan's crooning vocals clear and crisp. The lyrics are personal and clever without being pretentious. Examples include "you should see the gallery in my cellphone, you look like an angel from every angle" and "once when I was drunk I accidentally poked you on Facebook, and what's worse you didn't poke back". If you are looking for the next Jens Lekman or Montt Mardié (or the next cast member of Glee for that matter), look no further.

The Circle Brothers - Hands At The Steel
You say Nick Cave, I say Alban Ringli. Never heard of him? Alban Ringli is the singer of Swiss indie-folk outfit The Circle Brothers and he gives his two bandmates (who also happen to be his brothers) a special touch in a Nick Cave manner. They have just released their new record Love & Disorder. It sounds gloomy and anxious but still has a gleam of hope.

UNITED STATES: I Guess I'm Floating
TV Girl - On Land
San Diegan dudes TV Girl know how to make one hell of a pop song. On Land is quickly becoming one of our favorites of the year, matching the earnestness of Clap Your Hands Say Yeah's debut with the hooks of MGMT's most memorable songs. Their debut EP is a free download on Bandcamp. Keep your eyes peeled for TV Girl in 2011, they're gonna dominate it.

VENEZUELA: Barquisimento
Mochuelo - La Reina Del Lugar
Venezuelan rock band Mochuelo are known for their electronic sounds and all of the members pour their influences into one unique concept. Their guitar distorsions, contagious rhythms and sweet female vocals saw this band walk away with first prize in the 2005 New Bands Festival. La Reina Del Lugar is from their second album, Un Tanto Mas.

"...once you say the word"

Bokomolech - Stitches

Προσμένοντας τη νέα τους δισκογραφική κυκλοφορία (επτά χρόνια μετά το 'Exit (trance)') οι Bokomolech μας αιφνιδιάζουν με το θαυμάσια τυλιγμένο σε θραύσματα παραμορφώσεων και θορύβου "Stitches", το οποίο περιέχεται στη συλλογή 'Horror & Romance on another planet', αποτέλεσμα μιας ιδέας του Στέφανου Ρόκου, η οποία γεννήθηκε από την ανάγκη του να εκφράσει την αγάπη του για τη μουσική συνδυάζοντάς την με τη ζωγραφική του.

"If you took the time to look at all the signs, you could rest your head, just know that all is fine"

Το 'Terminal' (προηγήθηκε το αξιόλογο 'Sleepdrunk seasons') είναι ένα εκθαμβωτικό μουσικό υπερθέαμα. Μία ξενάγηση στην πινακοθήκη των Hjaltalín μέσα από την πανδαισία των ήχων τους, όπως αυτοί εκτίθενται σε έντεκα ξεχωριστά πλαίσια με σκοπό να αναδείξουν πολυποίκιλλους ρυθμούς και διαθέσεις και να σε μαγέψουν για να την επισκεπτείς ξανά και ξανά. Περίτεχνα γενναιόδωρες ενορχηστρώσεις, άλλοτε παιχνιδιάρικα και αστραφτερά απρόβλεπτες και άλλοτε μελαγχολικά ετοιμόρροπες με δραµατικές εντάσεις και κορυφώσεις, πάντοτε όμως με μια αξιοθαύμαστη προσοχή στη λεπτομέρεια, συνθέσεις με έντονη την αίσθηση της θεατρικότητας και ένα έκδηλα κινηματογραφικό χαρακτήρα που αναδεικνύουν τα στοιχεία της κλασικής μουσικής, των musical, της disco και του funk, χωρίς να ξεχνούν τις pop μελωδίες αξιοποιώντας με τόλμη και με εφευρετικότητα τα πνευστά και τα έγχορδα (από φαγκότο και κλαρίνο μέχρι τσέλο και βιολί) και αφοπλίζοντας τον ακροατή χάρη στα εκφραστικά φωνητικά των Högni Egilsson (σε κάποιες περιπτώσεις ακούγοντάς τα ίσως ανακαλέσεις στη μνήμη σου τις ερμηνείες του αγαπημένου Guy Garvey) & Sigrídur Thorlacius που μοιάζουν να αλληλοσυμπληρώνονται σαν κομμάτια ενός παζλ.

Χθες κυκλοφόρησε στην Ισλανδία (δίχως να έχει ανακοινωθεί ημερομηνία για τον υπόλοιπο κόσμο) το 'Alpanon', το ηχητικό και οπτικό πειστήριο (cd/dvd) από την τριήμερή εμφάνιση τους με τη Συμφωνική Ορχήστρα της χώρας τους. Τα παρακάτω αποσπάσματα επιβεβαιώνουν ότι οι ζωντανές εμφανίσεις τους είναι συναρπαστικές και ενισχύουν την απόφαση της αγοράς του!

"It always had to go this way"

Ο τρόπος με τον οποίο έχει καθιερωθεί να διενεργούνται οι μουσικές ανασκοπήσεις είναι συγκεκριμένος. Καμία ιδέα δεν είναι πρωτότυπη, απλά παραλλαγή που βασίζεται στο αυτονόητο. Πέρυσι αποφασίσαμε να πράξουμε κάτι εναλλακτικό. Να σταχυολογήσουμε και να αποτυπώσουμε σε δημοσιεύσεις όσες κυκλοφορίες αγαπήσαμε κατά τη διάρκεια της χρονιάς και να αναδείξουμε τις κορυφαίες προτιμήσεις μας με στόχο να μην τις αφήσουμε να ξεθωριάσουν από τη μνήμη μας, με την ελπίδα να συζητήσουμε, να σχολιάσουμε, να επικοινωνήσουμε με ανθρώπους που μοιράζονται τις ίδιες ανησυχίες με εμάς και φυσικά, να σκοντάψουμε σε δίσκους που αγνοούσαμε, αλλά θα κατάφερναν να μας ωθήσουν να αγκαλιάσουμε το στερεοφωνικό μας για ώρες. Μία ανασκόπηση χωρίς δεσμεύσεις από bloggers για bloggers και λάτρεις της μουσικής, για όσους δείχνουν ενθουσιασμό και πάθος και συντονίζονται στο ρυθμό των νέων κυκλοφοριών, παρακολουθούν συναυλίες, αγοράζουν δίσκους. Οι κανόνες συμμετοχής παραμένουν και φέτος οι ίδιοι. Πιο συγκεκριμένα:

α) Ψηφίζουμε αγαπημένους δίσκους με ημερομηνία κυκλοφορίας μέσα στο 2010. Το ιδανικό θα ήταν να μην συμπεριληφθούν συλλογές, ζωντανές ηχογραφήσεις, επανακυκλοφορίες και EP.
β) Ο επιθυμητός αριθμός των επιλογών θα πρέπει να είναι 50. Ωστόσο δεκτές γίνονται και συμμετοχές που θα έχουν τουλάχιστον 30 δίσκους.
γ) Ο τρόπος καταμέτρησης των ψήφων είναι αναλογικός. Σε περίπτωση ισοψηφίας προηγείται αυτός που έχει ψηφιστεί από τους περισσότερους.

Νο 01 = 50 πόντους
Νο 02 = 49 πόντους
Νο 30 = 21 πόντους
Νο 50 = 1 πόντος

δ) Η λίστα μπορεί να δημοσιευτεί οποιοδήποτε χρονική στιγμή επιθυμείτε μέχρι το τέλος του έτους (αν κάποιοι πάλι καθυστερήσουν λίγο δεν υπάρχει κανένα πρόβλημα).
ε) Η ύπαρξη ή όχι κειμένου, το μέγεθος του και η συχνότητα των posts δεν υπόκεινται σε κανέναν περιορισμό. Εκφραστείτε ελεύθερα.

Όσους εκφράζουν οι παραπάνω απόψεις και διαθέτουν blog (σε blogger, wordpress ή tumblr) ή έστω το δημιούργησαν προκειμένου να δημοσιοποιήσουν τις προσωπικές τους αδυναμίες, τους καλούμε να δηλώσουν συμμετοχή (είτε στέλνοντας email, είτε ενημερώνοντας κάποιον από τους συμμετέχοντες) ως το τέλος του έτους. Μέχρι στιγμής έχουμε καλωσορίσει τους:
  1. The art of thinking with sounds (ψήφισε)
  2. 4amorning (ψήφισε)
  3. ody (ψήφισε)
  4. Drown in the River (ψήφισε)
  5. Mr. Grieves (ψήφισε)
  6. Uptight (ψήφισε)
  7. Indiefuck (ψήφισε)
  8. Rocks de Milo (ψήφισε)
  9. mouxlaloulouda (ψήφισε)
  10. Το σπίτι με τα παράξενα (ψήφισε)
  11. Zeugolator (ψήφισε)
  12. Winter Academy (ψήφισε)
  13. Stagger Lee (ψήφισε)
  14. Suicide Dots (ψήφισε)
  15. Elafini (ελήφθη με email)
  16. ΔΓιαμάντΓια (ελήφθη με email)
  17. Astronaut (ελήφθη με email)
  18. Goresonic (ελήφθη με email)
  19. Truebelief (ελήφθη με email)
  20. ...sad songs we love (ψήφισε)
  21. The artist formerly known as Harmonica (ελήφθη με email)
  22. Sovereign (ελήφθη με email)
  23. Just name it Laika (ελήφθη με email)

"...and I will give you my flashlight when you walk home alone"

1. Seneca's Silence
2. 5 Steps / 7 Swords
3. A Voice At The Louvre
4. Werner Herzog Gets Shot
5. A Burial At Sea
6. We Are The Roman Empire

"...the way the sunlight touches your hair"

"In 1995 I began touring the world industrially as a pop musician. A gleaming new cosmos of hotel accommodation opened up for me and in an instant I was seduced by the free product available in the rooms. I hoarded these objects in a rush of mild kleptomania. Every room in my house began to amass these plastic bottles and various, hotel-related things from every continent on earth (except Antarctica).
Having never kept a journal these items have become like diary entries, triggering memories of all those buildings and random people I've met and inspiring some of the songs on the album. As an act of revenge against the colonisation of our house, I vowed to build a hotel out of the items and sleep in it. The resulting 'Hotel Shampoo' creation serves as a monument to the waste that’s produced in our disposable age and to catalogue my transient existence."

Gruff Rhys

Eagerly awaited

Follow their traces