"I was on the outs for a while, but now things are (almost) alright..."
Δίσκοι που θα μπορούσαν να βρίσκονται στη λίστα, αλλά δεν τα κατάφεραν (ωστόσο μία θέση στην καρδιά μου (συγκεκριμένα στο μουσικό τμήμα της) και στο cd player τη βρήκαν)
Sigur Rós - Með suð Í eyrum við spilum endalaust
The Gutter twins - Saturnalia
Rökkurró - Það kólnar í kvöld
Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds - Dig!!! Lazarus, Dig!!!
Glissando - With our arms wide open we march towards the burning sea
Glissando - With our arms wide open we march towards the burning sea
Jóhann Jóhannsson - Fordlandia
The Dears - Missiles
Helios - Caesura
Wolf parade - At Mount Zoomer
Wilderness - (k)no(w)here
Pacific UV - Longplay 2
Wolf parade - At Mount Zoomer
Wilderness - (k)no(w)here
Pacific UV - Longplay 2
Peter Broderick - Float
Love is all - A hundred things keep me up at night
Love is all - A hundred things keep me up at night
Hercules and love affair - Hercules and love affair

Αγαπημένα soundtrack
Johan Soderqvist - Let the right one in
Jonny Greenwood - There will be blood
The Cinematic orchestra - The crimson wing: Mystery of the flamingos
Jonny Greenwood - There will be blood
The Cinematic orchestra - The crimson wing: Mystery of the flamingos
EP και singles
Her name is Calla - The heritage
Maybeshewill / Her name is Calla - Split
The Twilight sad - Here, it never snowed. Afterwards it did.
iLiKETRAiNS - The Christmas tree ship EP
Piano magic - Dark horses EP
Abbie Gale - Fall
Animal collective - Water curses EP
Olafur Arnalds - Variations of static EP
Kyte - Two sparks, two stars EP
Her name is Calla - The heritage
Maybeshewill / Her name is Calla - Split
The Twilight sad - Here, it never snowed. Afterwards it did.
iLiKETRAiNS - The Christmas tree ship EP
Piano magic - Dark horses EP
Abbie Gale - Fall
Animal collective - Water curses EP
Olafur Arnalds - Variations of static EP
Kyte - Two sparks, two stars EP
Διάφανα Κρίνα - Κι αγάπη πάλι θα καλεί
Sleepin Pillow - Apples on an orange tree
Flakes - Lick your fingers if you like it
of Montreal - Skeletal lamping
Αναμενόμενες συναυλίες
Junior boys
Δίσκοι (διαφαινόμενοι, αν και όχι οι μοναδικοί) σταθμοί του 2009
Animal collective - Merriweather post pavilion
Grizzly bear
Dälek - Gutter tactics
Sleepin Pillow - Apples on an orange tree
Flakes - Lick your fingers if you like it
of Montreal - Skeletal lamping
Αναμενόμενες συναυλίες
Junior boys
Δίσκοι (διαφαινόμενοι, αν και όχι οι μοναδικοί) σταθμοί του 2009
Animal collective - Merriweather post pavilion
Grizzly bear
Dälek - Gutter tactics