"...if she says she needs me everybody is going to have to wait"

Αμέτρητες ευχαριστίες σε όσους επικοινώνησαν μαζί μου (έστω και αν σε ορισμένους οφείλω ακόμα κάποιες απαντήσεις), σε όσους μπήκαν στον κόπο να επισκεφτούν το blog μου, παρ' όλο που δεν αντίκρυσαν ανανέωση για μεγάλο χρονικό διάστημα και τέλος, σε όλους όσους κατάφεραν να λαμπρύνουν τη διάθεσή μου. Μέχρι (θέλω να ελπίζω) σύντομα (με περισσότερα κείμενα)...
Elbow - The seldom seen kid
Portishead - Third
The Notwist - The devil, you + me
Have a nice life - Deathconciousness
Spiritualized - Songs in A & E
DeVotchKa - A mad and faithful telling
Maybeshewill - Not for want of trying
My brightest diamond - A thousand shark's teeth
Nick Cave & the Bad seeds - Dig, Lazarus, Dig!!!
Murder by death - Red of tooth and claw
The Gutter twins - Saturnalia
Fleet foxes - Fleet foxes
Islands - Arm's way
Hammock - Maybe they will sing for us tomorrow
Cut copy - In ghost colours
The Ruby suns - Sea lion
65daysofstatic - The distant and mechanised glow of Eastern European dance parties EP
Elbow - The seldom seen kid
Portishead - Third
The Notwist - The devil, you + me
Have a nice life - Deathconciousness
Spiritualized - Songs in A & E
DeVotchKa - A mad and faithful telling
Maybeshewill - Not for want of trying
My brightest diamond - A thousand shark's teeth
Nick Cave & the Bad seeds - Dig, Lazarus, Dig!!!
Murder by death - Red of tooth and claw
The Gutter twins - Saturnalia
Fleet foxes - Fleet foxes
Islands - Arm's way
Hammock - Maybe they will sing for us tomorrow
Cut copy - In ghost colours
The Ruby suns - Sea lion
65daysofstatic - The distant and mechanised glow of Eastern European dance parties EP