Tender buttons
Είναι γεγονός ότι υπάρχουν αμέτρητα blogs και μερικά από αυτά είναι περίφημα. Εκτός του ότι ανανεώνονται τακτικά διαθέτουν κείμενα εξαιρετικής ομορφιάς, ενημέρωση για νέες μουσικές κυκλοφορίες, ταινίες, συναυλίες ... Αν όλα ήταν ιδανικά ή δεν με διακατείχε η τεμπελιά το blog μου θα (ήθελα να) ακουγόταν (τουλάχιστον σήμερα) όπως ο τελευταίος δίσκος των Broadcast.
"There is a theme of letting go on 'Tender Buttons'. A flower lets go of its fragrance, Michael lets go of his past and I let go of my embarrassment of letting go."
"There is a theme of letting go on 'Tender Buttons'. A flower lets go of its fragrance, Michael lets go of his past and I let go of my embarrassment of letting go."
Trish Keenan

Subject to the ladder
"I'm not pygmalion hooked by failure, ruled as a juvenile, aged as an infantile. Subject to the ladder.
Ruined by affection, excepted by exception, predicted on a graph, cornered by ritual, diminished by impression, cried out in the lesson. Subject to the ladder.
My thoughts are coming through, emptiness follows too. A cyclone full on feeling in the silence of the room.
Defended by defendants, corrected by the pain, inspected by a sadness, exhausted by a game. Subject to the ladder.
My thoughts are coming through, emptiness follows too. A cyclone full on feeling in the silence of the room..."
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