"I had a dream that you were mine. I've had that dream a thousand times"

Rostam: "...I get a feeling that it might be one of the best records I make in my whole life. We worked really hard on lyrics and every song tells a story."

"You can look, but don't touch"

Wild Beasts' Hayden Thorpe: "There aren't love songs on this record. It isn't romantic; it's more of a primal, functional need, a requirement rather than a higher-minded kind of love...
I'm so proud and delighted with it. I think it's the realisation of freedoms and ideas we've actually spent our entire lives trying to achieve."

"Euclidean Plane"

Ben Chatwin: "'Heat & Entropy' is certainly less experimental and more concise. There was a conscious effort to bring melody to the fore."

Eagerly awaited

Follow their traces